Author: archiwebmanager

  • Why do people undersell their homes?

    Every time I see a house sell for under value I wonder what happened. Were the owners desperate? Was it priced incorrectly? Was something wrong with the building? I see all of the new listings and keep track of what homes are selling for. When I see homes sell for under asking, it’s generally due…

  • Floorplans are a must for selling your home.

    I am a huge believer in floorplans. As we head into a era where 90% of people start their home search online, it makes complete sense that without a flooplan some people may miss something about your home that they really would appreciate and that they may be willing to spend more money on. The MLS…

  • How do you get more $ on the sale of your home?

    Should I paint? Should I hire a stager? Should I do renovations? How do I price my home? These are all questions that I receive on a regular basis, and there is not a one size fits all but here are 5 tips to use as a general rule of thumb: 1) Declutter – Thin…

  • BC Government Provides Rental Relief

    Rent increases have been capped in the province of BC since 2004. The usual method to determine the cap for the upcoming calendar year was to take the current average rate of inflation and add 2%.  In 2019, that would have allowed a 4.5% increase.   The NDP government has removed the additional 2%, so…

  • Vancouver’s Duplex Zoning Bylaw Change

    Vancouver councillors have officially finished two days of public hearings by voting to allow duplexes in most city neighbourhoods that are currently restricted to single-family homes. The decision is another step toward adding homes in the city for young families pushed out of the Vancouver market by soaring property prices. A press release from the…

  • How to Prep your Condo for Fall!

    PREP YOUR CONDO! It’s never easy to say goodbye to summer. As the days get shorter and the leaves start to change colour and turn to red and gold, it’s a reminder that winter is just around the corner. But fall can be one of the nicest times of year, and it’s a good time…

  • Reflecting on August 2018

    August Updates   As we head into September and look back at the summer, it was definitely a blur.  The saying “days are long but years are short” is really starting to resonate with me.  I’m noticing the summers seem to be flying by, especially after losing a couple of weeks to the smoke.  Hopefully…

  • RE/MAX Quest for Excellence – $1000 Scholarships

    The Quest for Excellence program is a bursary program for Grade 12 students in Canada. This year RE/MAX is offering 16 $1,000 bursaries.  It was established to reward students who participate in leadership and community events.  Students can enter at

  • 2016 Year End Stats

    Here is a great snapshot of what happened in 2016.  What a year in Vancouver Real Estate!

  • BC Assessments Are Here!

    Most of you will find in your mailbox your 2015 BC Assessments.  If you have not yet received it and are curious about what your assessment will look like you can look it up at the following link:   Just enter your address and it will populate your tax assessment for 2015.  …

  • 2016 in Review

    Well it is now 2017 and looking back it is safe to say that 2016 was arguably the wildest year in the history of real estate in Vancouver.  Record price jumps, daily price increments and government regulation have been a few factors that contributed to the wild year that we just saw.  Here is a month…

  • 15% Foreign Buyer Tax

    Summer is a time of weddings, bbq’s, trips, time outdoors, patio pops and overall fun times.  Summer is definitely my favourite time of the year and I love being outside in Vancouver and enjoying everything that this city has to offer.  With that being said it seems our media coverage has been more about new real…

  • Mortgage Rules are Changing

    Government of Canada Takes Action to Maintain a Healthy, Competitive and Stable Housing Market December 11, 2015 – Ottawa, Ontario – Department of Finance Finance Minister Bill Morneau today announced changes to the rules for government-backed mortgage insurance to contain risks in the housing market, reduce taxpayer exposure and support long-term stability. Effective February 15, 2016, the minimum…

  • Short Term Rentals?

    Investor clients are now looking for ways to maximize their rental return and one of the more popular ways to do that is through sites like VRBO and Airbnb.  The issue with these short term rental options are that stratas are starting to shut them down, or fine home owners who they find to be using them.  Buildings…

  • October Housing Stats

    Metro Vancouver home buyers push October sales above long-term averages Home buyers remain active across Metro Vancouver despite a reduced supply of homes for sale. The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) reports that residential property sales in *Metro Vancouver reached 3,646 on the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in October 2015. This represents a…

  • Stats- Sept. 2015

  • The Spot – Cambie

    The Spot on 12th and Cambie has been one of the most popular developments in Vancouver of 2015.  With only 5 homes remaining, this East facing 2 bedroom has some great features.  Listed at $779,900.  Give me a call at 604-363-7858 for further information.

  • The Jervis

    The Jervis, is the newest project to come to the coveted West End, blocks from English Bay.  The developer, Intracorp has developed this 19-storey tower to maximize views, space and elegance.  With only 4 homes on each floor, every home is a corner unit with maximized views.  58 homes in total this development will be…

  • August Video Stats

  • LUXURY Market Review – Vancouver 2015

    Between January 1 and July 31 of this year, 572 properties sold for over $3 million, compared to 319 during the same period in 2014 – an increase of 79 per cent.  The increase of sales at the top-end of the luxury market can be attributed to two factors. The first factor is overall price…

  • Mortgages to Account for 100% of Suite Income

    Just recently CMHC came out and said that they are changing their rules.  They announced that they will allow 100% of rental income from a LEGAL secondary suite (Basement suite, coach home, duplex) to be used towards qualifying for a new mortgage.  Up until this point CMHC only accepted 50% of the rental income.  The…

  • New Home Stats for Vancouver


  • Vancouver Special

    I have always had a soft spot for a nicely renovated Vancouver Specials, partly because they are very effective layouts but also because they have the charm and grit of Vancouver 30 years ago.  Growing up in the city I spent a lot of time playing in them, running through them and seeing them on…

  • June Housing Stats

    Metro Vancouver home sales set record pace in June Last month was the highest selling June, and the second highest overall monthly total, on record for the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV). The REBGV reports that residential property sales in Metro Vancouver* reached 4,375 on the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in June 2015.…