So how do I pick the best real estate agent?

This can be a daunting question for many people who are in the market to buy real estate.

Gene Hackman had the same daunting question to ask himself in the classic Cinderella-story sport film, The Replacements, when he played Jimmy McGinty, the head coach of a professional football team.  However, replace “real estate agent” with “quarterback”.

He needed to find a quarterback to help lead his team of misfits against seemingly more skilled opponents.  He passed on qualified candidates for the position and ended up picking Shane Falco, the down and out former college phenom.

Why? He needed someone that would fit in with his and his team’s personality and values. He needed someone with heart, “Miles and miles of heart!”

So this brings us back to our original question? What do you want/need out of your real estate agent?

With so many agents out there to choose from, it’s important that you’re choosing the person that is the best fit for you specifically.

Is that a successful agent with a lot of deals under their belt?

Someone who specializes in a specific area you wish to buy in?

A responsive agent who can be active in your search and give you the attention you need?

There are many factors that come into play for each scenario but it should be simple. Find someone you interact well with and can create a relationship with.

A good agent will listen to you. A good agent puts your best interests at heart.  A good agent knows how to set boundaries.  A good agent will make the whole process as fun and easy as possible with as little stress as possible. A good agent communicates well with you in the way that works best for you. A good agent understands they are providing a service.  In some instances, a great agent might give you his umbrella during a rainy day of showings because he knows he has a spare shirt in the car and you probably don’t.

Whatever it is that’s important to you, make sure you do your homework prior to making a decision.


  1. Read reviews


  1. Interview the agents

  • Meet w/ at least a couple different agents to see if you mesh well

  • Go to a showing with them to identify if it will work out


  1. Go to open houses and see agents in action

  • This will give you an idea of how they are with their clients, how they present themselves, preparation, personality, etc.


  1. Choose someone you feel you can communicate with

  • What’s preferred? Email? Text? Call?

  • How often are you talking? Daily? Weekly?

    *Remember, an agent who sets boundaries on when they are available to talk real estate isn’t a bad agent.  We have lives, hobbies, and families as well. An agent with good priorities is someone you want to partner with, which brings me to my last and most important tip…


  1. Look for honesty!


Buying property is, usually, everybody’s biggest and most expensive transaction but it really doesn’t have to be stressful or daunting.

The right agent will do their best to make it a great experience for you. Now, go find them!

Unless you have a family member who is an agent… then you should probably give them a chance first so you can avoid any future awkward family holidays.

Happy House Hunting!

Brandon Kaye 604-803-5952

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