5 Tips to Self Staging

Have you ever walked into an open house and instantly felt like… “I could live here and can I keep the furniture please?”. Well, more often than not this is due to good staging. Staging creates an emotional connection between the buyer and the desire for them to want to live there.

It is not only beneficial in a competitive market, it can also help you make as much money on the sale as possible. Research indicates staged homes spend 73% less time on the market than non staged homes.

Now staging does not need to cost an arm and leg. If you are on a budget and do not want to pay for a professional stager, you can always do it yourself. Here are 5 steps to self staging your home to get the best sale results.

1: Depersonalize. 

This is very important, as you want any potential buyers who walk into your property to feel like it is theirs already. When you have family photos, postcards, and various memorabilia lying around, it is going to be harder for people to imagine a place as their own. Therefore best to hide all your personal items away, out of view.

2. Declutter and clean

Clean and tidy homes sell better. You know when your home is tidy it feels nicer to live in. Well the same goes for when you have buyers walking through. You want to maximise available space so move unnecessary furniture out, clear countertops, coffee tables and side tables, hide away all bathroom clutter. Less is more! It might even be advisable to rent out a storage facility if you really do not have the room to put things away.

3. Clear cupboards

You will be surprised how many people open the bedroom or kitchen cupboards when viewing a property. Although this shouldn’t impact someone’s decision to buy a property, if the cupboards are stuffed with junk and untidy it can make a potential buyer have a negative response to the property. You want to avoid any possibly negative feelings so make sure to tidy up or clear out your closet and kitchen cupboards. You want to give the impression there is ample storage space or your things and therefore for the potential buyers.

4. Fix any minor issues

You will be surprised what a fresh lick of paint does to a place. If you have the confidence to paint your property, go for it. It will save you money doing it yourself and makes a world of difference especially if your walls are an unfavourable colour at the moment. However painting your entire property might not be necessary or within your budget. There are other ways to spruce up the place. You can clean down the walls (Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works miracles), touch up any niks on your skirting, tighten any lose fixtures.

5. Adding accessories

Depersonalising shouldn’t be interpreted as keeping things dull. Professional home stagers often add beautiful accessories in a strategic fashion to enhance first impressions. You can easily replicate this by including candles, vibrant flowers as a centerpiece, colourful throw pillows etc. Remember you do not need to go out and buy anything expensive, it is just about placement.

If you are thinking of selling your home and you are unsure whether to hire a professional stager or go at it on your own, give me a call. I will happily assist.

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